Virtual Working Groups

Under the ICER platform, energy regulators cooperate within ICER through Virtual Working Groups (VWGs).

From 2009-2015, ICER was structured along four Virtual Working Groups: Security of Supply, Climate Change, Competition and Affordability, and Good Regulatory Practices. For the 2015-2018 period, the Working Groups were refocused on the roles and challenges that regulators face in evolving market situations, as follows: Electricity (VWG1), Gas and Other Fuels (VWG2), and Technology and Innovation (VWG3). As of August 2023, VWG1 and VWG2 have concluded.

Activities among members of the VWGs may include:

  • Workshops on specific issues (alone or jointly with collaborating stakeholder’s organizations)
  • Webinars by regulatory experts
  • Development of reports
  • Specific surveys
  • Data gathering
  • Side events during regional regulatory association conferences

Technology and Innovation Virtual Working Group

Chair:  Carolyn Calwell, Chief Corporate Services Officer & General Counsel at Ontario Energy Board

Rashmi Somasekharan

Co-Chair: Rashmi Somasekharan, Deputy Chief (Regulatory Affairs) at CERC

Potential issues to be covered include the challenges and opportunities associated with:

  • Distributed energy resources, including renewables and storage
  • Cyber-security
  • Smart grids
  • Electric vehicles
  • The energy transition and electrification of economies
  • Other emerging issues

Members: 40

Hydrogen Virtual Working Group

Chair: Noura Hajri (MEDREG)

Potential issues to be covered include the challenges and opportunities associated with:

  • Green Hydrogen Production
  • Infrastructure Development for Green Hydrogen
  • Economic Viability and Market Integration
  • Policy and Regulatory Frameworks
  • International Collaboration and Trade
  • Green Hydrogen Transportation
  • Energy Storage and Grid Stability
  • Green Hydrogen in Industrial Processes

VWG1: Electricity (concluded 2023)

Co-Chair: José Venegas

Potential issues covered:

  • Integration of regional markets
  • Development of capacity markets
  • Wholesale & retail competition
  • Expansion of coverage: policies and regulatory mechanisms
  • The role of regulators in reliability
  • Nuclear energy issues

Members: 58

VWG2: Gas and Other Fuels (concluded 2023)

Bagdagul Kaya Caner

Chair: Bagdagul Kaya Caner, LL. M.

Karem Hanafy Mahmoud Mohamed

Co-Chair: Karem Hanafy Mahmoud Mohamed.

Potential issues covered:

  • Integration of regional markets
  • Wholesale & retail competition
  • Expansion of coverage: policies and regulatory mechanisms
  • Climate change challenges on natural gas
  • The role of regulators in safety and quality issues
  • Biofuels
  • LPG and other fossil fuels

Members: 40