Welcome to ICER

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The International Confederation of Energy Regulators (ICER) is a voluntary framework for cooperation between energy regulators from around the globe. Our aim is to improve public and policy-maker awareness and understanding of energy regulation and its role in addressing a wide spectrum of socio-economic, environmental, and market issues.

By establishing this voluntary confederation, with regular and structured contacts, we hope to exchange information and best practices in the regulation field and to contribute to the evolution towards a sustainable planet.

Our Goals

  • Increase understanding and awareness of energy regulation.
  • Ever-improving effectiveness of energy regulation.

Our Values

  • Open communication and sharing of information.
  • Professional excellence through training and education.
  • Collaboration, information exchange and cooperation through continuous dialogue.

Our Strategies

  • To lead by advancing knowledge, research, debate and the exchange of ideas.
  • To share and learn from each other’s experience and practices.
  • To promote open communication and cooperation on issues of mutual interest.
  • To inform customers, world leaders and policy-makers of the important role of energy regulation.